Nocc Bootstrap Theme is a robust foundation for building stunning and performant static websites using Jekyll.
It isn't just a theme; it's a developer's toolkit. Whether you're building a personal portfolio, a client's website, or a side passion project, Nocc empowers you to craft clean, performant, and visually stunning static websites easily.
Features a landing homepage, blog page, about page, tags cloud page, gallery of images page, an example post page, post comments powered by Disqus, and contact page form powered by Formspree.

Key Features
Effortless Static Site Generation
Get started in seconds! Static sites are ideal for hosting on object storages or GitHub Pages.
Cutting-edge Frameworks
Built upon Bootstrap 5, NOCC boasts the latest web development tools and libraries.
Blazing Fast Performance
Performance-enhancing techniques like inlining critical resources and deferring non-critical ones.
Complete Font Control
Own your website's visual identity with self-hosted web fonts. Enabling faster loading times and efficient data transmission.
Local environment built-in
Streamline your development process with the integrated Local environment.
Next-Generation File Types
Extensive use of next-generation file formats like WebP and SVG.